regressive expectations câu
At a minimum, Congress should avoid regressive tax cuts.Ít nhất, Quốc hội nên tránh việc giảm thuế lũy thoái. of “reactionary and regr...

C, a decrease in the velocity of money, or D, an increase in inflationary expectations?C, giảm tốc độ dòng tiền, hay D, giảm dự báo lạm...

regressive delta
The regressive delta was formed by the floods of Świna River in the area of the Wolin National Park in 1996.Đồng bằng hồi quy được hình...

regressive tax
At a minimum, Congress should avoid regressive tax cuts.Ít nhất, Quốc hội nên tránh việc giảm thuế lũy thoái. It has been criticized o...

adaptive expectations
Hubbard’s adaptive expectations and rational expectationsphát: Kỳ vọng thích nghi adaptive expectation và kỳ vọng hợp lý Rational Bu...

behavioural expectations
Age categories are associated with different rights and privileges and, attached to these age categories are behavioural expectations.C...

extraordinary expectations
He wrote to Schumann in November 1853 that his praise "will arouse such extraordinary expectations by the public that I don't know how ...

rational expectations
a) Rational expectations: In this the individual is believed to have rational expectations.Partly rational expectations: Những kỳ vọng ...

static expectations
Twenty years ago, it was not unusual to assume arbitrarily specified or even static expectations, for example that the expected future ...

against all expectations
Is the dollar turning down against all expectations?Thị trường đang chuyển biến ngược với mọi dự đoán? Policy rate unchanged – against...

contrary to all expectations
Contrary to all expectations, nothing happened.Nhưng ngược với sự chờ đợi của mọi người, chẳng có gì xảy ra. Contrary to all expectati...

contrary to our expectations
When things happen contrary to our expectations we feel sad.Khi có chuyện xảy ra ngược lại với sự mong đợi của ta, ta thấy khó hiểu. S...

partly rational expectations
a) Rational expectations: In this the individual is believed to have rational expectations.Partly rational expectations: Những kỳ vọng h...

rational expectations theory
This same transaction can be framed outside of rational expectations theory.Giao dịch tương tự khác có thể nằm ngoài lý thuyết kỳ vọng ...